"I tell you: one must have chaos within oneself, to give birth to a dancing star."
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot."
-D.H. Lawrence

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lurking Outside my Bedroom Window

Last night, I crawled into my warm, comfy bed and grabbed my book off the nightstand. Mick was getting ready for bed in the bathroom. The bedroom window right over the bed was open. I sat there with my book, hoping it would eventually get interesting. And then I heard a noise. At first I thought it was a cat. And then again. It sounded slightly more human. Like a growling shriek, something off of one of those Animal X-File type shows. And again. Okay, it definitely wasn't human. I kept listening, and finally jumped out of bed, banged on the bathroom door and drug Mick by the arm to the bedroom, still with a ring of toothpaste around his mouth. "You have to hear this!"
We sat and waited for a moment, but it didn't happen again. He pointed to his mouth and mumbled in that way you do when your mouth is full and said "I fill have foofpaste in my mouf." I dismissed him, and as soon as the bathroom door shut behind him, I heard the sound again, but that was the last time I heard it.
I'm not going to lie, I was a little bit creeped out. I wondered if it could have been a screech owl. I've heard of them, but have never actually heard the sounds they make. I found a video of a screech owl on YouTube, and that definitely wasn’t it. However, I now know what sounds they used for that creepy little dinosaur in Jurassic Park- the one with the frills around its neck that spits oil and kills the fat guy. Yep, screech owl sounds. Not for that nasty scream it does, but for the cooing sounds.
For some reason, I couldn’t get La Chupacabra out of my head. Growing up in the Southwest, La Chupacabra is something you hear about frequently. It’s a big bit of Mexican folklore. I made a post on facebook about how I thought I was hearing La Chupacabra out my bedroom window. My cousin back in America asked me if it couldn’t be some sort of English monster. Well, interesting. I don’t know of any British monsters. I know Scotland has Nessie, but there’s no water around us here. I know the Irish have Banshees, and, actually, it did feel a bit Banshee-ish, but again, we’re in the Southeast of England, not Ireland.
I turned to Google. And I came up with the two following possibilities. Click on the orangey-brown links to learn more.

(Yes, this info was taken from Wikipedia, but don't get on your high horse about my sources. I'm researching monsters, okay?)

Owlman of Mawnan

Or, this one. I'll admit it's pretty far fetched, even for a monster sighting.... but the sounds were right.

Pterodactyls in England (hey! We all know that the Pterodactyls escaped the island at the end of Jurassic Park 3; it could happen, people!)
Well, what do you think? I can honestly say I've never heard sounds like this before. What was it?

****Crazy disclaimer: No, I don't really think there was a monster outside my bedroom window (famous last words?). I'm sure it was an animal in distress (I've heard rabbits make weird noises) or even a car making a strange noise. This was just a fun and silly post inspired by my cousin's encouragement to investigate English monsters.****

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