"I tell you: one must have chaos within oneself, to give birth to a dancing star."
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot."
-D.H. Lawrence

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Itchy and Scratchy Shoooooow!

I'm not entirely sure what's going on here, but I'm breaking out in hives randomly. It started last Friday, I woke up with some bumps on my chest, but I just thought it was a spider bite. Living most of my life in Arizona, I'm used to that and it didn't really worry me. But then when I got to work that morning, the palm of my hand swelled up, turned red and got really itchy. So I took a Benadryl and I was fine.
Over the weekend, nothing was wrong. I had kind of forgotten about it. But today I woke up and was covered in welts and red blotches. My thighs, stomach, arms, chest. It itched really badly and was driving me crazy. I was able to make an appointment with my doctor midday so took the day off to take care of that. I went and the doctor said he just thinks it's an allergy and gave me the names of medications. The rash went down after an hour or so, and now it's starting to come back again. I am going crazy with itching. I just took another Benadryl so I'm hoping it all calms down. I need to go get that other medicine tonight. I'm wondering if it's from the stress of the huge transition I'm about to make... But according to medicinenet, stress cannot cause hives. Apparently it can just be caused by nothing sometimes. Cosmic...
Worked on my room most of the weekend. Closet is 99% done, under the bed is 50% done. Just need to do bathroom, bookshelf and under the window seat. It's been hard to do any work today because I'm about to jump out of my skin.

The weekend was great! I spent the day with my mom on Saturday, kind of a last Mother Daughter day.  We went to see Bridesmaids and laughed the entire way through. Then we had lunch at Mimi's and did a bit of shopping. I bought some fantastic shoes that I cannot wait to wear at the Engagement party. They are made by Antonio Melani. They're surprisingly comfortable. Brittany came over in the evening, had dinner with us and helped motivate me to work on my room. Sunday we had a lazy morning and then spent the afternoon with Brittany and some of her friends and their babies. We gorged ourselves on pizza and chatted away. Then we got some stuff I need for moving at Wal-Mart and headed back to the house. My absolute favorite part of the weekend, though, was when we got in the pool and played and splashed and had a grand old time. It's the first time we've used the pool since Mick has been here. We always have so much fun. I'm so excited that I'm marrying my best friend!
Time to relax a bit before bed. Hope you all had a nice, hive free start to your week!


  1. Those shoes are dreamy! I remember your pool being so much fun. It seems like we spent so much time in there in high school...glad you had a good weekend, and I really hope your hives get better!!! That is no fun at all. :(

  2. Yeah, there have been a lot of great times in that pool.
    The hives have disappeared for the time being, but we shall see!
