"I tell you: one must have chaos within oneself, to give birth to a dancing star."
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot."
-D.H. Lawrence

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Let me count the ways...

Today has been a great day. I've been busy almost the entire day- working out, helping Mick with stuff, cleaning the kitchen then making it dirty again cooking dinner. I'm sitting here on the couch looking at Mick and just keep smiling at him. I can't help but think how much I not only love him, but also our relationship. We always have fun, and a few people have commented on how fun they find our banter. It's one of my favorite things about us, for sure.
So, let's embarrass Mick and talk about him. Yes? Yes.

One of the things I love most about this guy is that he always looks slightly surprised in his photos, like above.
But let's focus on the banter. Now, we're both pretty quick witty people so I can't share every conversation, but I can share a couple.

A few months back, just a couple days after we got engaged, we were texting back and forth while I was on my planning period at work. It was just after Rebecca Black's God awful song came out. We love to make fun of that song.

Mick: Are we going out tonight?
Me: Yeah for a bit.
Mick: ok, well we should talk to my mum first so shall I tell her we'll talk at 3.30? ( I hadn't spoken to her since he popped the question)
Me: Yeah I wasn't planning on going out until after dinner anyway.
Mick: Why so late?
Me: Because it's friday friday. We gettin down on friday
Mick: But will we kick in the front seat or kick it in the back seat?
Me: We gotta make our mind up!
Mick: Which seat shall I choose?
Me: Got your best friend on your right.
Mick: but if neither of us know where to sit, we'll still be confused...
Me: Wait....weren't  we going to take the bus?
Mick: ohhh yeah. good job you remembered otherwise i'd be in the car looking
like a right idiot
Me: This is why I'm marrying you.

More recently, tonight in fact, another one happened. I was walking down the the corner shop while Mick hopped in the shower. We're having movie night and we wanted some snacks. As I was walking, a man was walking towards me. I noticed right away that he looked like Gerard Butler. Gerard Butler is on my "list." You know if you've seen Friends.
I pulled out my phone and sent Mick a text. "Just saw Gerard Butler's twin. May not come home to you." A few minutes later, I got a reply. "Drop the popcorn off first."
Sigh. I need to be better at keeping him on his toes.

Anyways, I love the guy. I'm really happy that we're still as crazy about each other as we were a year ago. It gives me high hopes for a marriage where we won't end up just feeling like roommates after a while. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to snuggle him.

1 comment:

  1. That's super funny and cute. :)

    And yes, Logan Square is in the city. It's a neighborhood that's about 6 miles away from the downtown part of the city (the park, the museums, etc). You two should come visit sometime!
