"I tell you: one must have chaos within oneself, to give birth to a dancing star."
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot."
-D.H. Lawrence

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Viral Breeding Ground

Well, it finally happened. I always had some cold or another when I was teaching. Coming into contact with so many hygenically-challenged teenagers meant I came face to face with lots and lots of germs. And so for two years of teaching, I had a cold every couple of months. Since living in England I didn't even encounter a single sniffle- that is until last week. I started getting a chesty cold and cough around Thursday, sore throat and nearly lost my voice at work on Saturday. Now it's the whole shebang- runny nose, coughing, sneezing, hacking, chest rattling with mucus, pounding head and sinuses. Oh yeah, it's a veritable germ sensation in my body right now.
I just find it really annoying that I went for months without getting anything, and as soon as I have a place to be and responsibilities, I get sick. Like the sickest I've been in a while.

Work is going well. It's a learning process and a pretty fast paced environment so I'm trying to keep up. I think I'm doing really well but I'm still new. I do struggle with understanding people's accents. One such amusing occasion was when someone asked for "bitter lemon" with their drink (type of juice) and I happily plunked a slice of lemon in their glass, thinking I heard "a bit of lemon." We all shared a laugh at my expense, but that's okay. It was pretty funny.
Thankfully though, I have two days off work to try and recover. Hopefully I'll be feeling more human by Friday night. I think I have a chance if I stick to my survival kit- cough drops, ginger ale, hot drinks, cold medicine, jammies and the couch.
Hope everyone is feeling better than I am!

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