"I tell you: one must have chaos within oneself, to give birth to a dancing star."
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot."
-D.H. Lawrence

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Snow and Musicals

I'm really, really cold!
It snowed on Friday morning. I was sitting in bed, looking at my phone. Checked the weather, saw it was meant to be snowing. I started an epic battle with the sheets in order to get to the window. Mick muttered angrily and asked what I was doing. Away to the window I flew with a flash, tore back the shutters and opened the sash (couldn't resist) and, yes, IT WAS SNOWING! I took some pictures, but you couldn't really tell that it was snowing, and it didn't stick or anything. Boo. It was nice for the couple hours while it lasted!
I have three days off, so tomorrow Mick and I are taking the train up to London for a little Christmas-y goodness! We're going to go to a few winter markets to finish up our Christmas shopping and then, tomorrow night....

We're going to see Chicago in the West End! I've never been to the theatre, and for some reason, even though he's been bitching about it since, Mick offered to take me to see a musical. I jumped at the chance, although I've forbidden him from complaining about it. Why take me somewhere to enjoy something just to ruin it with complaining, right?
Anyways, it should be a really good couple days. We're staying in London tomorrow night and catching the train home midday Wednesday. I'm really looking forward to getting away and having some time together, I've been working a good deal lately and we've actually been pretty busy!
Here's what's been going on lately in photos :)
Hope everyone is having a good pre-Christmas week!
First time living somewhere that it snows!
This is where I work.
Some holiday nibbles and gift wrapping.
Wintry mornings

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