"I tell you: one must have chaos within oneself, to give birth to a dancing star."
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot."
-D.H. Lawrence

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Little Things

We spend so much of our lives obsessing over the big things- working for them, recognising, and comparing them to the big things others have achieved. I'm not only talking about the material things, but also big landmarks. That big new car. The big vacation. Paying off that credit card. An important anniversary. A wedding, a birth. A move, a new house. In my mind, life is dotted with these big moments and achievements and they make up the outline for the people we are and the lives we lead. But if you look carefully, there are little dots on these maps to ourselves, all mixed up with those big landmarks. These little dots may be moments, memories, but in the brief moment they manifest, they tuck themselves deep in our hearts and nestle up, filling us with goodness. A look, a kind word from a stranger, the quiet observation of a loved one filling our hearts with warmth.

I find myself obsessing and worrying over the big things a bit too much lately (my entire life constitutes as lately, right??). Money, family, the future. These are important things, but due to my obsessive, anxious nature, I have to be really careful not to let myself become completely absorbed, or bad things happen.

I want to take a few minutes to make a list of those little good feeling things that have tucked deep in my heart and made me feel happy lately.

-Last week, Mick came home with a bag from the grocery store. It held a copy of the most recent Twilight film, a bottle of bubble bath and another of wine. A sweet surprise.

-Mornings that require me to be nowhere but in bed, with a warm husband ready for cuddles next to me.

-Eggs for breakfast.

-Time. I'm off work this week and the extra time has allowed for me to do some things I've really needed to get around to, and some things that I simply wanted to do for me. Sorting through a mountain of laundry and cleaning the kitchen and bedroom fell under the need category, while writing, taking pictures, cooking some recipes I've been wanting to try for a while, a walk in the local country park with Mick and my camera, as well as some solo shopping trips (with my new car) fell under the want category.

-Celebrations. Yesterday, Mick's dad got married. It was a beautiful day for two beautiful people. I met some more of Mick's family that I hadn't yet had the opportunity to meet, and enjoyed the day a whole lot.

-My marriage. Even before it was a marriage, just our relationship in general. I'm a pretty laid back and low maintenance girl, living in jeans and converse, which doesn't bother Mick at all. But during the course of our relationship, there have been a handful of occasions (weddings, engagement parties, etc) where I've had to make a real effort with myself - you know, actually using more than just the blow dryer on my hair, wearing dresses with heels and pantyhose, and actually wearing foundation. I will forever love Mick's reaction when he sees me all dolled up, and the way his arm seems to snake around my waist a lot more often on these special occasions.

Hoping you can find some little moments that stay with you this weekend.


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