"I tell you: one must have chaos within oneself, to give birth to a dancing star."
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot."
-D.H. Lawrence

Thursday, May 26, 2011

5 shows a day, 180 days a year

I love the bit of time I have each morning from about 5:20am to 5:45 am. It's my time to eat breakfast, read/watch the news, and just think (and often freak out) about the day ahead- teaching 8th graders. Teaching middle school is a tough gig, especially two and half weeks from the last day of school. I stole the title for this entry from a fellow middle school teacher. "5 shows a day, 180 days a year." It's a grueling performance schedule. The apathy I see in these kids about their education, respect, behavior... pretty much everything, astounds me. I mean, yesterday, I literally engaged in the following conversation with a 13 year old.
"*student's name* you need to be following along."
"We're just reading a book. What did anyone ever learn from a book?"
I was literally speechless. But mostly I was sad for this kid.

Now don't get me wrong. A lot of these kids are fantastic. On more than one occasion I've asked a parent, "what did you do to get your child to be this way? I just want to know for when I have my own someday!" It's been a really difficult year for me. It started off pretty good, but then I went through some personal/health issues, and I tried really hard not to let it cut in with my job. I'm seeing now, though, that it probably did.That's okay though," 'e lives an' learns," as good old Del Boy would say (I'm making a reference to a British tv show. Google "Only Fools and Horses" if you want clarification). Teaching is a forgiving job, but I'm beginning to learn that a teacher isn't forgiven her mistakes for oh, ten months. And I'm not talking about the administration or anything, because they're normally really great at working with you and providing you with whatever resources you need. I'm talking about those moments where we see as teachers "oh, I shouldn't have done that...."

Moving on, though. Mick and I have an exciting adventure coming up in a few weeks. Apart from packing all my junk and throwing even more away (any of my local friends wear a size 9 shoe? I'm getting rid of loads, let me know!). We booked our trip to the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas. We're going to be spending one night in Williams, Arizona and then making the little trek up to Vegas. Mick is adamant about seeing the Grand Canyon before he leaves. He's been quoted numerous times saying "I can't spend 6 months in Arizona and not see the Grand Canyon!" Fair enough, darling. To be honest, though, I'm more excited about Vegas! We got a great deal on a room at the Luxor, and considering my nerd-tastic obsession with Egyptian history (even the Vegas cheesy take on it), it worked out very well!

We also have a mini-adventure this weekend. We're heading to my sister's in Ventura County for memorial day. She's taking me shopping for a dress for the engagement party and I'm taking family photos of she, her husband and my gorgeous niece, Ella. We leave tomorrow after work and I can't wait!

27 days until we go to England! Ohhh, I have so much to DO!


  1. Welcome to blog land! :)

    I still can't believe you're moving to England! So crazy but so exciting. I'm happy for you - and hey, maybe we can come visit one day and you can show us all around. When are you getting married? Before you move or after?

    For my labels I just use the gadget that came with it in blogger. There should be a little thing where you can say that you want labels available. I haven't had a problem with it yet. Are you using a different one than that?

  2. Glad you figured it out! Blogger is fairly easy, once you get it figured out. Some aspects are confusing still, but hey, what can ya do, right?? :)

    Congrats on your impending (SOON!) wedding, and hooray for planning something big for later. So how does that work with moving there and getting married? Does it ever change your citizenship? Will you teach over there too? So many questions!

    Such an exciting adventure. You're going to have a blast.
