"I tell you: one must have chaos within oneself, to give birth to a dancing star."
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot."
-D.H. Lawrence

Friday, December 9, 2011

Some Randomness for You

Some things you may not know.

I detest the feeling of lipstick and lip gloss. My lips go au natural 99% of the time- weddings qualify as lipstick time. However, I have found lip stain, which doesn't bother me.

I have a strange fondness for dandelion clocks (that's the actual name for dandelion poofy ball thingies)

I love the smell of spicy candles.

I've wanted to be a writer since I was 9. Wrote my first story in 4th grade and my first poem in 5th.

I inherited the shutterbug gene from my maternal grandfather.

I love the smell of baby head. You know, fresh out of the bath, wrapping them up in a towel, and just burying your nose into their wispy hair and breathing in real deep. My niece has been a victim of this activity a time or two.

I'm a real believer in the "live and let live" outlook on life. I feel like way too many people express anger at situations that don't really involve them or affect them. So what if those guys want to get married? So what if that lady isn't Christian? So what if that girl is covered in tattoos from head to toe? Does that mean the world is coming to an end? Does it mean that I can't carry on in my life and hold true to the things that I've been taught and value the most? Absolutely not. Times will always change, people will always say things we don't like. And that, my friends, is beautiful. At the end of the day, you probably should be looking at yourself and your own life more than spending time obsessing about what's happening outside. Start at home. I'm not saying we should ignore what happens in the world, or that we shouldn't try and make a difference, but it's important to tell the difference between what we can change and what we can't... and that moaning about it won't make the difference.

I believe in a strong work ethic. My parents pounded into me from a very young age that it is important to be at work or school. I wasn't allowed to take a day off "just because" and I don't let myself do it now.

I never had a blanket or stuffed animal that I drug all over the place as a child. I did, however, have a pillow that went on all overnight trips with me. I still have that pillow, and it has traveled the world with me, thank you very much.

I love to cook. I'm pretty new to it, but my mother in law handed me the reigns to the kitchen when I moved to England. It's been a bit off since I've started working and have been ill, but we had some pretty cool meals there for a while.

My husband drives me crazy, in every sense of the word. He can say things that baffle me, enrage me, confuse me, amuse me, or just make my heart melt. It's weird how things deepen the longer you love someone. I feel like every day he grows more handsome in my eyes. He doesn't change physically, of course, but as I learn more about him and love him more, those things show in his face.

I have serious guilt issues. Like, if I do something even remotely naughty (as silly as not putting something back where I found it) I have an internal battle about how horrible I am.

I have a dangerous addiction to Diet Coke and Coke Zero. I don't have it every day or anything, but if it's in the house, there's a good chance I won't drink any water until it's gone. For the most part we keep it out of the house, but I'll treat it to myself when we go out.

We are movie people. Every night, Mick and I select a film to watch, take refuge on the couch and dive in. We often pause for tea breaks and discussions- occasionally it'll be an in depth plot analysis, but typically we criticize acting skills and continuity errors.

I require three pillows when I sleep: said comfort childhood pillow, one to go underneath it because it's pretty much flat and dead, and another to wrap myself around because husband can't cuddle during sleep. Bummer.

I have a hunger for traditions and heirlooms and look forward to making rich, deep histories for the children I will someday have.

I was raised to be proud of my ancestry.

I love trying new things- whether it's an activity, a food, a game or a new place, I'm usually willing to try it. I even tried eating Black Pudding (see: pig's blood mixed with herbs and spices, fried and made like a sausage) a few weeks ago.

I am a roller coaster junkie- love the rush!

I love a good lazy day, but enjoy a busy day out doing things as well.

And I love, love love to take pictures.

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