"I tell you: one must have chaos within oneself, to give birth to a dancing star."
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot."
-D.H. Lawrence

Monday, November 21, 2011

Leaving my Problems in my Footprints

Today, I found solace in my run. I haven't gone for one for over a week because I'm really, really good at coming up with excuses. I decided to start my normal route backwards, and then instead of taking the short stretch of trail to the right that quickly circles back into the neighborhood, I decided to turn left on the trail. I felt slightly embarrassed with myself for being so excited at the thought of this. My body felt great running in the woods, with rotten leaves and mud forming a cushion- much easier than running on concrete. It was better for my knees.
It was easy to run today, because Mick and I had this ridiculous argument and quite frankly, I didn't want to go back to the house. I just kept going, and couldn't believe how good it felt in my body to be running. I of course walked a good bit, but I think I ran more on the whole. It was a beautiful route and I think I'll make it my regular jog.
The woods offered multiple little trails, but I wasn't that worried about getting lost because I could still see the houses the entire way (the woods are essentially right in the middle and on the edge of the housing development). I took one little trail that shot off the main one and it led me to a beautiful clearing.

 The trail wrapped around the edge of the circular clearing and led back to the entrance into the woods from where I came. I came upon a woman wearing wellies and walking her chocolate lab who slobbered on me happily. I circled around the clearing and disappeared into the woods again, my anger being eaten away with every step I put between myself and the house.

By the time it started to get dark and I turned for the house (it was very difficult to turn around), I felt pretty excited about running this route every day. This trail is good for my soul. And by the time I reached the house, my real husband (and not the growly bear I left) was waiting for me (now the nice version of myself after a beautiful run) and we were able to talk things over calmly.

Looking forward to my run tomorrow.

Where do your runs take you?

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