"I tell you: one must have chaos within oneself, to give birth to a dancing star."
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot."
-D.H. Lawrence

Monday, September 26, 2011


 Sorry I've been gone for so long, but I have a good reason- Mick and I just got back from our honeymoon on Saturday. We spent a week in England's Lake District in Cumbria, which is in Northern England. We had a great time, and apart from the three days of rain we had, it was beautiful. Everything was so green, but unfortunately I wasn't able to capture how green that green was, because cameras just don't do the color justice. It's literally like a florescent green. We visited various yummy restaurants, went fishing and visited Hadrian's Wall, built in the second century AD to act as a sort of border between The Roman Empire (England) and Barbarian Lands (Scotland). It was pretty cool and we both learned a lot, like Romans were very literal dudes.

So, we had a great week, but it's really good to be home. Here are some pictures.

Here's our hotel- it was really cool and old and even had one of those old fashioned elevators with cage doors. Legit.
Bullying the husband into a photo op on our fishing trip. It was cold!

Lake Windermere, the lake our hotel looked over.

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