"I tell you: one must have chaos within oneself, to give birth to a dancing star."
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot."
-D.H. Lawrence

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sneaky McSneaky Pants

"England is better only because I stand out there as 'unusual.'"
-Emo Philips 

This morning I took my first solo outing in England. It wasn't an exciting adventure- I walked a few blocks up to Morrison's (super market) to get yogurt for Mick and fruit for myself. I couldn't help feeling like I was being very sneaky, because if you look at me, it's quite believable that I've lived all my life in England. Fair skin, features from the general area (my family's ancestry is Irish). Little do the people walking past me know that behind this closed mouth is a think yank accent and I'm fresh off the boat. And because I blend in when my mouth is shut, I have them fooled! Mwahahahahahahahaaa!
Now, I don't completely agree with that quote. I don't really even think that England is necessarily better than America. There are things here in England that I didn't have back home (the love of my life, ancient history, beautiful scenery and weather) and things I wish I could have brought with me from America (my family, great friends, my car,  etc.). But there is a bit of fun in feeling like I have a little bit of a secret and I'm fooling everybody.

It's been rainy this afternoon, which is one of my favorite things about being here. I've been doing odds and ends around the house and looking at things like this that make me laugh.

Have a great Tuesday, everybody!

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