"I tell you: one must have chaos within oneself, to give birth to a dancing star."
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot."
-D.H. Lawrence

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Unofficial Anniversary Trip, Day 1

Monday, June 13, 2011
Sunday night I had set my alarm for 6am. Mick and I wanted to start our long drive up to Northern Arizona early and leave by 7am. I woke up, fuzzy headed and confused Monday morning and looked at my phone. 7:06am! WTF? I scrambled out of bed and ran downstairs to wake Mick up. We got ready and threw all our stuff in the car. All my worldly possessions crammed into my car. We finally made it onto the road at about 8:30am and began the lonnngggg trip up north.
The curvy roads that led us up to Prescott proved to be problematic, as Mick is afraid of heights and I tend to get motion sickness. I managed to get us there safely, though, feeling the entire time like I needed to grab hold of something to stabilize myself. We stopped in Prescott for cold drinks and ice cream and to use the potty. We headed out of town and got onto the 89 which turned out to be a disaster. We ended up getting stuck in, not exactly traffic, and not exactly construction. But whatever it was, we were stuck in the road waiting for something behind a huge line of cars and an even huger line behind us. People were getting out of their cars and trying to see up the road, but nobody could figure anything out. Finally, and without explanation, traffic began moving again.
We finally made it up to the Grand Canyon at about 4pm. Mick began bouncing and making really annoying sounds in his seat due to over-excitement. We parked at a look out point and made the little trek up to the rim. Mick was very impressed! We looked at a few different look-out points and visited the gift shop and picked gifts out for people. Then we had dinner at one of the lodges before heading back down to Williams and checking into our hotel. It had been a really long day and I slept great!

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